Ariel Montgomery

Ariel Montgomery is a Supervisor at Cable ONE in Phoenix, Arizona.  She works in Cable ONE’s Technical Care Center which offers Internet, Video and VoIP support to over 700,000 residential and business subscribers.  Ariel oversees the business support team of 100+ associates, creating and ensuring proper follow-through on all processes and standard operating procedures.  She also has helped create a new web and technical team to provide Internet, Video and VoIP support for residential and business customers via Live Chat.


 Ariel began her career with Cable ONE as a Customer Service Representative in 2010, was promoted to Team Lead within 6 months, and then began her Leadership responsibilities 8 months later. 


 Ariel earned a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Networks and Communications Management from DeVry University in Phoenix.  Ariel is an active member of Roundup Toastmasters club, and she’s a new member to Women in Cable Television (WICT). Ariel resides in Phoenix, and in her spare time she enjoys volunteering for the Arizona Animal Welfare League (AAWL).