Providing a great work environment that enthusiastically delivers an exceptional customer experience is a passion for Debbie Stang, Chief Operating Officer for Midco in Minneapolis, MN. Stang has management responsibilities for customer service, field operations, supply chain, training, customer experience and operations systems and support.
Stang began her Midco career in 1984 in the company’s cable division and moved to corporate roles including accounting, finance and human resources. During her career, she served as the company’s first Director of Employee Services and the first Vice President of Human Resources before returning to Operations in 2015. Her passion to build a great work environment was invaluable in her oversight of benefits, compensation, payroll, employee relations, recruitment, staffing, HR information management and leadership development.
Stang is credited with establishing programs to ensure HR strategies, initiatives and services are aligned with Midco’s mission and values. She has also passionately demonstrated a commitment to enhance diversity, women’s career development and fairness in the workplace.
Stang holds a bachelor’s degree from Concordia University-St. Paul. In January 2016, she accepted a board member seat at WICT. She has completed the WICT Senior Media Summit Executive Education program at the Stanford Business graduate school in 2014 and 2015, attended the Leadership Conference for the past several years and currently serves on the industry Veterans Advisory Council.