Eileen Bengston is a Principal Systems Engineer for CCAD, a joint venture between Comcast and Arris, in the design of the conditional access system for the cable headend. As such she provides a bridge between product management and software development turning marketing requirements and system definitions into development level requirements and system design. She oversees the scrum team software implementation and the packaging of the software solutions for their release to customers as well as providing lifecycle support for the released products.
Prior to her work as a systems engineer, Eileen worked across a wide swath of industries including telecommunications, consumer electronics, and defense. She was a modeling and simulation engineer for CCAD and for Lockheed Martin modeling software and firmware timing. Before that she was with IBM, in Austin Texas, as a hardware engineer and hardware design team leader designing midrange server platforms and managing them through their manufacture and deployment.
Eileen has a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and a masters degree in Electrical Engineering – Multimedia and Creative Technology from The University of Southern California.
Eileen has been actively involved with the Comcast Women’s Network and with the Greater Philadelphia chapter of Women in Cable and Telecommunications (WICT). Eileen was selected as a member of the 2013 National WICT TechConnect program. She was also one of the initial counselors in the IBM E.X.C.I.T.E. Camp designed to inspire middle school girls interest in the fields of math, science, and engineering.