Erin Hyland, founder and principal of The Navigatrix Collaborative, is a consultant, coach, facilitator and change practitioner. She works with individuals, teams, and organizations to enhance performance and effect change, often working on the “people side” of technical solutions. Through a consultative approach, Erin works with her clients to define and clarify purpose, to launch and sustain collaborative initiatives, to coordinate across complex, interdisciplinary projects, to engage with stakeholders and manage relationships, to enhance project management and communication, and to design measurable outcomes for continued transformation and improvement.
Erin leads collaborative processes aimed at designing innovative solutions and approaches to meet her clients’ business and customer needs. She brings fifteen years of experience in business and strategic planning, building communities of practice, project management, feasibility study and policy efforts. Her projects and experience cut across sectors and have included public sector, healthcare, food services, manufacturing, technology, transportation, maritime trade, water, energy and sustainability projects. Erin has a BS in Molecular Biology from Cornell University, and an MS in Urban Planning from Columbia University. She is a Certified Professional Coach with Leadership that Works (an ICF-accredited program), a ProSci Certified Change Practitioner, and has taken Advanced Facilitation with the Future Search Network. She serves on the Board of the ICF NYC Chapter and on the NYC District 39 Participatory Budgeting District Committee.