Erin is the cultural eyes and ears of the CI Research group at Nickelodeon, immersing herself fully in the worlds of kids, teens and young adults. She spends her days keeping a constant watch on all kid/teen/young adult media. As a result, Erin is the point person for reporting on existing and emerging trends across the youth cultural landscape. Among her various tasks, Erin is responsible for conducting primary research on “hot topics,” writing and distributing a company-wide monthly trend newsletter, managing Nick’s private online community, and designing immersions for various Nick groups to help guide and educate on any particular demographic. Additionally, Erin is a contributing columnist for Kidscreen Magazine, where she writes a regular column highlighting Nickelodeon research findings.
Erin’s expertise in kid and teen culture is especially vast. From a developmental standpoint, Erin knows these demographics and is dedicated to understanding them culturally and psychologically. Erin has spoken with thousands of girls and boys in both focus group and ethnographic settings. Her most recent work includes deep dive reports on content consumption, the world of boys, fashion and style, gender differences, humor, sports, music and much more.