Jennifer Bergman serves as vice president of Business Operations for Cox Communications’ Kansas and Arkansas region providing broadband service to over 150 communities. In this role, Ms. Bergman is responsible for Accounting/Finance, Supply Chain, Loss Prevention, and Real Estate. Ms. Bergman joined Cox Communications’ Omaha system in 2000 as the manager of Financial Planning & Analysis and quickly rose to vice president of Business Operations in 2003. She moved to her current role in 2006. Prior to joining Cox, Ms. Bergman served as finance officer for First National Merchant Solutions located in Omaha, Nebraska. Ms. Bergman holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Midland Lutheran College, Fremont, Nebraska, with concentrations in accounting and management. She has passed the certified public accountancy exam. For many years, Ms. Bergman has been involved with Junior Achievement, beginning in 1992, and currently serves on the board of directors for Junior Achievement of Kansas. She resides in Wichita with her husband Wynn and their two children, Nathan and Nicholas.