Why Can’t We Find Happiness?
“The single greatest threat to our lives is not the terrorists putting poison in the water, or the pollution in the air: the single greatest threat to our lives is our lifestyle,” said Dr. Kathleen Hall, internationally recognized stress, work-life balance and lifestyle expert, founder/CEO of The Stress Institute, The Mindful Living Network and Alter Your Life. “Ask people how they are doing these days, and they’ll say I’m exhausted and I just don’t have enough time.”
“Research shows we don’t get enough sleep, we eat more meals on the run than at home, we take too many pills and worst of all, we don’t spend enough time with our children and the people we love. I know, I’ve lived it. Strangled by the life I had created, I walked away from a lifestyle that was literally killing me,” said Hall.
In her quest to understand happiness and balance, she immersed herself in education in mind-body medicine and spirituality, training and clinical practice, earning a Masters of Divinity from Emory University and a Doctorate in Spirituality. She was privileged to study with spiritual and medical pioneers, Dr. Dean Ornish of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute and Dr. Herbert Benson at the Harvard Mind/Body Institute, as well as Nobel Peace Prize recipients, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Bishop Desmond Tutu and President Jimmy Carter. Dr. Hall integrated her experience and training and created Oak Haven, a 250 acre the Center for Mindful Living, where people can come to learn how to reduce stress through mindful living.
Dr. Hall is the Author of A Life in Balance: Nourishing the Four Roots of True Happiness (AMACOM, January 2006) and Alter Your Life: Overbooked? Overworked? Overwhelmed? (Oak Haven, April 2005) and a new book out in Fall 2009.
Dr. Hall’s advice has been featured by all the major national media including NBC’s The Today Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Paula Zahn Now, CNN Headline News, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN International, FOX, ESPN.com, Good Morning America Radio, Martha Stewart Radio, Fortune, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Money Magazine, Business Week, Parents, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Real Simple, Body + Soul, and Woman’s Day.
More information about Dr. Kathleen Hall can be found at www.stressinstitute.com, www.mindfullivingtv.com and www.drkathleenhall.com.
To learn more about Mindful Living go to www.mindfullivingtv.com