Katie Krentz is Senior Director, Comedy Animation, at Cartoon Network where she oversees the development and production of animated comedies and shorts. Her projects include the Emmy-nominated Steven Universe, Uncle Grandpa and Clarence, as well as the critically acclaimed and Emmy winning series Over the Garden Wall and Long Live the Royals – each developed from Cartoon Network Studios’ vibrant and prolific shorts program. Most recently, Krentz also worked on Cartoon Network’s reimagined The Powerpuff Girls and the fan favorite We Bare Bears. Krentz also takes pitches on animated projects for greenlight consideration.
Prior to joining Cartoon Network, Krentz was a development and production executive at Twentieth Century Fox Television where she oversaw the Inkubation Shorts Program. She also helped on the day-to-day on shows such as The Simpsons, Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, American Dad, King of the Hill, The Cleveland Show, Allen Gregory, and Napoleon Dynamite.