Madeline Rehberg

Madeline Rehberg serves as the Senior Manager of Customer Experience at Cox Communications. In this role she works as part of the team focused on driving awareness of the importance of customer loyalty throughout the organization and driving changes to improve the customer experience. She is responsible for the implementation of strategic Customer Experiences, including guiding the strategy around areas of focus, developing communications, identifying change management needs and providing overall advisory support.
Before joining the Customer Experience team, Madeline led the Call Quality strategic efforts for the Customer Care team where she developed the first-ever standardized approach for evaluating front-line call center employees’ call performance.
Madeline has been a member of WICT since 2006 and she serves as a mentor to college students in the Southeast Chapter’s Circle Mentoring Program. Madeline has a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Management from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is an Atlanta, Georgia native and enjoys spending her free time with her husband and two sons.