Misty Duckworth brings over 11 years of service to Time Warner Cable. She has been with the company since 2000 holding several positions in technology. Misty holds a Bachelors degree in Mathematics, a Bachelors degree in Computer Science as well as Master’s Degree in Business Management. Currently, Misty serves as the Program Manager for the Critical Infrastructure department in Austin, TX. Her job function includes research and development of critical metrics reports, managing the financial budget and operational processes of the Critical Infrastructure Program while fostering healthy relationships with stakeholders. As a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Council, MVP Selection Committee, SCTE and WICT, she is extremely involved in company affairs. Misty was a guest speaker at Texas State University’s Mathworks Summer Program that is sponsored by the CAMM (Connect a Million Minds) Program to help high school students gravitate towards math and science.
Misty is a certified fitness instructor and trainer. She teaches fitness classes at 24 Hour Fitness and maintains a healthy lifestyle in which she promotes on the job.