A. Parker Geiger III is the president and founder of the CHUVA Group. After receiving his Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Florida, Parker began his career in the arena of professional development.
Parker has developed and implemented Image Training and Professional Development programs for companies and individuals since 1986. He began as an independent consultant for one of the world’s most recognized image consulting firms, Color Me Beautiful. In a short time, he became their National Trainer for its retail sales division, a unique accomplishment within that industry.
His responsibilities included the development and implementation of an intensive training program that significantly increased product sales and promoted employee morale. During that time, Parker began developing and implementing image communications programs within organizations throughout the United States. Mr. Geiger’s innate sense of people, as well as his personal approach to oftentimes sensitive issues, makes him uniquely effective in helping his clients develop and maintain a positive, self-attitude.
The results: a professional presence that appropriately reflects that of the individual ultimately enhancing one’s performance. Mr. Geiger’s 20 years of research and practice enabled him to create the first series of e-learning image-solution programs, featured in Kiplinger’s Financial Magazine.
Recently, Parker released a series of e-books on Business Savvy Skill that are available to professionals via CHUVA Group’s website. Along with featured articles, radio and television appearances, he also represented North America on an International Communications Panel at FAAP University; a prestigious University in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Parker is most proud of his popular Executive Development Program: Perception ID©: The Parker Factor©. Executives from all professions have greatly benefited from this powerful communication-coaching program. They have learned how others perceive them and how that perception can impact his or her performance.
So whether one is responsible for sales, negotiations, management, delivering presentations or socially engaging with clients, they have gained confidence to help them master the tasks at hand.
Mr. Geiger designed uniforms for General Motors’ each division to help design wardrobes that supported each separate brand as well as the new “GM Experience”. His organization also designed uniforms for CNN’s Tour Guides; both New York and Atlanta.
Both Parker and CHUVA Group are strongly committed to the local community. Parker has been a volunteer for President Carter’s Atlanta Project, and for six years was an active board member for the Atlanta Children’s Shelter, a day care center for homeless families with children.
Industry professionals recognize Mr. Geiger as one of the most innovative and experienced Image Training and Professional Development leaders in the country.