Tamera A. Hylton

Tamera Alexander Hylton is an attorney at Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. who is primarily responsible for acquiring films and series for exhibition on Turner Broadcasting System’s domestic and international entertainment networks.  She also helps to develop original short form and long form programming for exhibition on Turner’s networks. In addition, she works extensively in the area of digital media at Turner, and has been instrumental in shaping and implementing corporate initiatives geared towards providing better visual-quality content to consumers, and providing consumers with access to content via the second screen, including the industry-wide TV Everywhere initiative. Tamera joined TBS, Inc. after working at a national law firm where she counseled clients in the areas of Intellectual Property, Technology, and Data Privacy.


Tamera received her law degree from Harvard Law School and her Bachelor of Science degree from Florida State University. She is the founding co-chair of TLD Learn, a Turner taskforce that sponsors ongoing opportunities for legal department members to receive continuing legal education credits, and otherwise stay abreast of important corporate and industry trends and initiatives. Tamera has served on multiple non-profit boards and supports social justice initiatives geared towards under-served populations.