Tracy Baumgartner is the vice president of Public Relations for the West Division of Comcast Cable. In this position, she is responsible for overseeing media relations, employee communications and community outreach efforts for the Mountain Division, which about 5 million subscribers in the following markets: California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and Utah.
Before this appointment, Baumgartner served as director of External Communications for AT&T Broadband. She was responsible for directing media relations efforts with national, business, trade, local and consumer press. Baumgartner also developed strategic communication plans for all lines of the company’s video business, as well as supporting the company’s customer care, financial, labor relations, legal, marketing and technology efforts.
Baumgartner was the manager of Marketing Public Relations for MediaOne prior to its merger with AT&T. In this position she developed media relations strategies, tactics and materials for field implementation of product roll-outs. Baumgartner has also held various other public relations management positions for Jones InterCable, Jones Digital Century and Mind Extension University.
Baumgartner received her bachelor’s of science in business administration with a dual emphasis in marketing and international business from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is an active member of WICT, CTAM, and CTPAA, and was recently accepted as a member of Class XIII of WICT’s Betsy Magness Leadership Institute. She is a board member-at-large for WICT Rocky Mountain, and served as the co-chair for the 2005 WICT RM Walk of Fame Gala. She has also served as the co-chair for CTPAA’s Forum 2002.