Beyond the Hashtag: #SelfLove

From enacting comprehensive policies to redesigning outdated systems that perpetuate bias, leading organizations have prioritized creating an accessible and human-centered work environment. Presented in partnership with the Walter Kaitz Foundation, the session goal is to help our members create an environment where people can show up to their workplaces as their authentic selves and feel a sense of belonging, both personally and professionally. This thought-provoking session will delve into the practices that successful companies have established to foster safe, welcoming and empowering environments for LGBTQ+ individuals and beyond.

As we attempt to heal the deep wounds affecting our society, businesses have a moral obligation to hold themselves accountable and evaluate how they contribute to the tangled web of systemic racism. Our industry is one that wields great economic power, and we have tremendous social influence as content creators and conduits of information for billions around the world. Almost every major business has made a public commitment to diversity and inclusion following the recent social justice movement; however, we need to move past statements and spring into action if we are going to make real and measurable progress.