The WICT Network is proud to highlight our 2022 Chapter Volunteer of the Year, The WICT Network: Heartland’s Programming Chair, Sandra De Lara, Senior Creative Specialist at Cox Communications. Sandra shared her thoughts on being recognized as Chapter Volunteer of the Year—as well as what volunteerism means to her.
Read the short Q&A below to learn more about her experience volunteering with The WICT Network:
What does being a volunteer mean to you?
I think one of the most valuable gifts we can give is our time. To me volunteering is giving that time to others, to our programs, communities, etc.
Why is volunteering so important?
Volunteering is important because of the impact we can make through combined efforts and selflessly giving to others. Volunteering builds character and internal gratification.
What did it mean for you to win Chapter Volunteer of the Year?
To win Chapter Volunteer of the Year was a huge surprise! I am more than glad for the effort my chapter and I spent on programming events. I learned from amazing leaders around me, and I like to think I made an impact.
The WICT Network is grateful to each of our amazing chapter leaders and volunteers for all that you do. Your dedication and support are unmatched! Thank you for being a vital part of our network and for helping us move the needle forward for women worldwide. Click here to find your local chapter and learn more about volunteer opportunities.