Cathy L. Greenberg can help your company’s executives and employees maximize their potential using her unique “Happiness=Profit” business formula.
Having done so successfully for more than two decades, she wins rave reviews from clients as well as from leadership gurus including Warren Bennis, Marshall Goldsmith, Noel Tichy and Frances Hesselbein co-founder of the Drucker Foundation and Leader to Leader.
Dr. Greenberg, a former managing partner for both Accenture and CSC, advises global Fortune 500 executives in all industry sectors. To achieve her amazing results, Dr. Greenberg conducts leadership and organizational assessments, develops internal coaching networks, and provides direct executive coaching and development based upon proven results.
Her books have become mainstays for senior executives and human resource administrators who seek to harness the power of happiness in the workplace. Global Leadership: Next Generation, coauthored by Marshall Goldsmith, ranked as the number one leadership book on and HBR. Her 2006 book with best selling co-author Dan Baker, “What Happy Company’s Know: How The New Science of Happiness Can Change Your Company for the Better, is an international success.
Working with a team of worldwide experts, Dr. Greenberg and Dr. Bennis completed the most comprehensive work to date with Accenture on developing the Executive of the Future. Their efforts are featured in the Drucker Foundation series Leading Beyond Walls, Coaching for Leadership, and The Future of Leadership with Warren Bennis and Marshall Goldsmith.
Dr. Greenberg has been cited as an authority on leadership and human behavior by all major business and financial news organizations, as well as by popular media outlets such as Oprah Magazine and Martha Stewart Living Radio. Named a “Top 100 Leadership Coach” by Executive Excellence Magazine in 2008, she is an engaging speaker and business talk show host on Voice America: Leadership Development News.
When not meeting with clients from Sydney to Dubai, Dr. Greenberg splits her time between Philadelphia and Tucson. She co-founded and currently serves as the managing partner for h2c: Happy Companies, Healthy People.