Nancy Snell, CPC, PCC is an certified, credentialed executive productivity and business coach working with professionals of all types who want help prioritizing, planning and managing their time and tasks. She has helped hundreds of clients maximize their potential through simple, powerful strategies; teaching sustainable time management and planning skills and systems as well as providing the accountability required to stay focused and effective in today’s fast paced world of competing priorities.
Snell founded her own company fourteen years ago and prior to that, worked corporately for over twenty years in broadcasting sales/marketing/media buying which included mentoring, training and new business development. That experience taught her, among many other things, how to get fast, laser-focused, great results and understand how to manage high performance and communication in our digital and interrupt driven days.
Additionally, she has a sub-specialization and comprehensive expertise in the field of Adult ADHD where her experience and best practices uniquely qualify her to work with professionals who are inundated with information and the overwhelm that is decreasing their ability to be as productive and profitable as they are capable of being. Modern life demands that we find the necessary skills needed to juggle overwhelming workloads and overflowing to-do lists in order to optimize performance, efficiency and productivity. Once a client starts working with Nancy they immediately feel more in control because they think clearly, plan effectively, protect their time, manage overwhelm and successfully tackle everything that has to get done!