Rama was born and raised in Ivory Coast to parents from Guinea. Growing up she wanted to become a pediatrician but she eventually fell in love with technology and programming after she discovered computers. After graduating from high school and a year improving her English language skills, Rama embarked on a journey to the U.S. at the age of 19 to continue her education. She first attended the Community College of Rockville in Maryland and then transferred to Morgan State University with a full scholarship. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. During her last 2 years in College, Rama became heavily involved with various students’ organizations such as Golden Key International Honour Society and the International Students Association and by her senior year she was the president of both organizations. Upon graduation Rama was offered a position at Goldman Sachs as a technology analyst which she quickly accepted and relocated to the NY area. During her time at Goldman Sachs she started a family and welcomed her first daughter. She eventually moved to Philadelphia where she pursued a Master’s degree in Business Intelligence at St. Joseph’s University. She worked for a fast-growing Philadelphia startup and a public utility company before finally landing a role within Comcast as an Analytics team lead. Her day to day job includes helping find ways to improve the X1 customers experience by answering simple and more complex questions with analytics.
Rama loves to travel, explore the outdoors, or just relax at home, all with her four children and husband.